Eczema is a long-standing skin condition that tends to flare up sometimes. It causes dry skin, rashes, scaly patches, and skin infections. Eczema is a generalized term for a group of inflammatory skin conditions that include atopic dermatitis, seborrheic dermatitis, contact dermatitis, stasis dermatitis, dyshidrotic eczema, and nummular eczema. The most common type of eczema is atopic dermatitis.

Eczema is a reaction of an overactive immune system that causes a dysfunctional skin barrier, thus dry, and itchy skin. It is most common in babies and children, but adults can also get it. Newborns can experience eczema within the first few weeks after birth. Young children with eczema have extremely dry and itchy skin patches that can lead to blisters due to excessive scratching.

Adults experience eczema in their 20’s or over the age of 50. People with severe eczema symptoms are at a higher risk for asthma and food allergies. Severe eczema beyond itchiness and rashes can lead to other complications if left untreated. 

Role of homeopathy in eczema

Homeopathy treats eczema by using natural remedies to stimulate the body’s healing abilities. Homeopathic medicine works gently on the lesions and controls the eczema flare. Since most skin ailments have an emotional cause to it, homeopathy helps find the root cause an get rid of it to provide better results in eczema.

Six effective homeopathic medicines for eczema


Common name: Bitter sweet

Dulcamara is indicated for eczema which gets aggravated in damp, wet, and cold weather. The skin starts to throw up eruptions all over the body. The eruptions are vesicular type, with brown, humid crusts, and intense itching. The person goes on scratching until it bleeds but there is no relief. There is extreme soreness present because of the inflammation. The eruptions come up on the face, scalp, and especially on the cheeks and are entirely covered with crusts. The skin may also cause wart-like eruptions, which are large, fleshy, and smooth. The symptoms are aggravated by sweating and are relieved by warm and dry weather. 


Common name: Black lead

Graphites is indicated for eczema which is wet, thick, and oozing watery or sticky discharge. The eczema has a tendency to break open again. There is itching of the skin with or without eruptions. Skin affections are mainly located at the bends of the joints, on the scalp, and behind the ears. The eruptions are red, and the margins are covered with scales and crusts with burning pain. Suppression of skin eruptions causes diarrhea. Complaints get worse due to warmth or weather changes. 

Hepar sulphur

Common name: Hahnemann’s calcium sulphide

Hepar sulph. is a commonly indicated medicine for eczema with pus formation. The person is usually too sensitive to cold but sweats profusely. Every little injury causes suppuration and the skin is very sensitive and sore. The person cannot even bear the touch of cloth, and eczema spreads by means of new pimples appearing just above the old ones. Intense itching, burning, and stinging are observed. 


Common name: Brimstone

Sulphur is prescribed for eczema when the symptoms aggravate in summer and the skin feels rough and dry. The rash is itchy, which causes scratching, followed by a burning sensation. The person gets relieved by scratching. The eruptions are vesicular and pustular type, and they have been suppressed by local medications in the past. A yellow fluid from eruptions is seen oozing in eczema cases. 


Common name: Coal oil

Petroleum is used in eczema, where cracks on the skin are accompanied by bleeding. The skin is rough, dry, and hard. Although cracks develop on the skin in any part of the body, the hands are more prominent and may feel a burning sensation with itching. All the eruptions itch violently and cannot rest until they scratch the skin off. This medicine helps reduce the dryness of the skin and heals the cracks in the most effective and gentle manner. In many cases, eczema tends to get worse in winter. 


Common name: Scabies vesicle

Psorinum is prescribed in eczema, where the eruptions are dry, scaly, and moist. Thick rashes may occur in the elbow, armpit, or area behind the ear. There may be violent itching with oozing of watery and fetid discharge. The person is very sensitive to cold. Complaints aggravate due to weather changes or heat and are relieved by warmth. 

Causative factors for eczema

  • Overactive immune system

An overactive immune system causes the skin barrier to become dry and itchy. This can occur in any part of the body. Your immune system reacts to slight irritants or allergens in your environment, assuming they are bacteria or viruses that can harm your body. As a result, the immune system activates the body’s natural defense system and creates inflammation. 

  • Genetics

A potential genetic component of eczema includes a protein named “filaggrin,” which helps to maintain the moisture in your skin. A deficiency of this protein can result in dry, itchy skin. If you have a family history of eczema, you may be at an increased risk. 

  • Environment

Long-term exposure to dry, extremely hot, or cold weather or direct contact with chemicals such as laundry detergents, soap, or fabric softeners may cause eczema. Low humidity can dry your skin and make it itchy. Heat and extreme humidity can cause sweating, which can make your itchiness worse. Surface cleaners, disinfectants, or dust mites may also cause eczema. 

  • Stress

Emotional stressors can also trigger an eczema flare-up. Some people experience symptoms, and the flare-ups worsen when they feel stressed out. If you have high levels of stress, anxiety, or depression, then the frequency of eczema symptoms increases. 

  • Food allergies

Some foods like peanuts, dairy, and eggs can worsen eczema symptoms. Therefore, it is essential to pay attention to these foods when you eat them. 

Signs and symptoms of eczema

Eczema can look different in every person. The rash may look red, pink, or purple if you have a light skin tone. The rash can be purple, gray, or brown in people with dark skin tones. The common places where you’ll notice symptoms of eczema include your hands, neck, and elbows. Knees, ankles, feet, cheeks, around ears and lips. Symptoms of eczema include:

  • Skin rash
  • Dry skin
  • Itching skin
  • Bumps on skin
  • Thick patches on the skin
  • Scaly, flaky or crusty skin
  • Swelling
  • Painful on scratching 
  • Burning lesion
  • Fever and chills

Treatment and management of eczema

  • Hypoallergenic or fragrance and dye-free moisturizers and products that contain lipids and ceramides. 
  • Oral medications such as anti-inflammatory or immunosuppressant drugs also help clear up your symptoms faster. 
  • Identify the triggers and manage them accordingly to avoid acute attacks.

Lifestyle modifications for eczema

  • Identify any specific food allergies, such as dairy or seafood that can trigger the flare-up.
  • Use gentle moisturizers if you have dry and sensitive skin throughout the day.
  • Bathe with warm water instead of hot to avoid dryness of the skin.  
  • Keep the room temperature regular; changes in temperature and humidity can dry out the skin. 
  • Use a humidifier in the room in case of dry air.
  • Avoid scented and harmful detergents while washing clothes. 
  • Stay hydrated, as drinking water helps to keep your skin moist.
  • Wear loose cotton clothes. Avoid wool or synthetic fabrics that may worsen the symptoms.
  • Keep fingernails short to prevent scratching.
  • Manage emotional triggers and stress levels.


Eczema can affect your quality of life. You can manage eczema and prevent flare-ups using home remedies, moisturizers, lifestyle changes, and medications. Homeopathy helps manage the symptoms of eczema like burning, itching, and dry skin.
